The Three Brothers

The following drama is based on “The Bundle of Sticks,” an Aesop’s fable.









  1. What words from the stage directions below help the reader know what the word modest means? (6.2B)

MOTHER HARTWICK stands beside a woodstove warming her hands inside a modest, cozy farmhouse. 





  1. cozy
  2. warming
  3. wood
  4. stove





  1. What does the word feeble mean in lines 14? (6.2B)
  1. Strong
  2. Ideal
  3. Lasting
  4. Weak





  1.  What does the word mock mean in line 16? (6.2B)
  1. To not obey
  2. Compliment (praise)
  3. Respect
  4. Ridicule (Scorn)






  1. Read the following sentence from line 21: (6.2B)

“If we plant one profitable crop this year, beans perhaps, and if we are careful not to waste those profits, we can buy another plot of land next season.”

Read the definitions below and choose the definition for plot as used in the sentence.

  1. A secret plan
  2. The main story of a literary work
  3. A small piece of land
  4. A time table for the production of a play







  1. What is this play mostly about? (Fig.19E)
  1. Living on a family farm with their mother, three boys argue over what crop would be most profitable to plant on their farm. Unable to decide, the boys go to their mother who has them try to break a bundle of sticks which they cannot do. She then has them break them one at a time which they can do.


  1. Three brothers living on a family farm go to their mother when they cannot decide which profitable crop to plant. The mother explains to them that they are strongest when they are together and weakest when they are apart. The boys devise a plan to rotate the crops which will add to the farm’s profits.


  1. A mother of three boys teaches her boys a lesson when they argue over who should get to plant their crop this year on the family farm. Toby wants to plant apples, Trenton wants to plant corn, and Thomas wants to plant beans.


  1. Three boys argue over what to plant on their family farm: beans, corn, or apples. The boys argue until the mother has them try to break a bunch of sticks. When they cannot break the sticks she gives them one stick and has them break that. The mother then cooks dinner for the family where they eat beans, corn, and apples.








  1. What the three most important events in scene 1? (Fig.19E)
  1. Thomas wants to plant beans, Toby wants to plant apples and Trenton wants to plant corn.
  2. Three sons can’t agree on what to grow, their mother teacher them a lesson and their sons agree to plant beans first.
  3. Three boys argue on who is the smartest, their mother is disappointed in them, and the boys make-up.
  4. The father leaves the three sons one plot of land, the sons can’t break the bundle of sticks but they can break each single stick.







  1. What do the three most important events have in common? (Fig.19E)
  1.  They all reveal that the mother helped the brothers devise a plan by providing a point.
  2. These common events help the reader understand that this is a family of three brothers.
  3. When the father died and left the plot of land to his sons, he didn’t tell the brothers what to do with it.
  4. If the mother had told the boys to plant beans, the boys wouldn’t had a disagreement in the first place.








  1. Why are the stage directions at the end of line 11 important? (6.5)
  1. To show the reader that the mother could not convince her boys to work together
  2. To define the role of the mother in the family as the one that makes all of the decisions
  3. To illustrate the mother’s point that the boys are stronger when they work together
  4. To persuade the reader to believe it is better to plan apples than it is to plant beans







Toby: (scowling at his brother)

What do the following stage directions reveal about the relationship Toby has with his brothers? (6.5)

  1. The stage directions reveal Toby’s disapproval of his brother’s decision to plant beans and corn.
  2. The stage directions reveal Toby’s love and concern he has for his brothers
  3. The stage directions reveal Toby’s apathy toward what his brothers want to plant on the land.
  4. The stage directions reveal Toby’s pride that his brothers are able to make a decision that will help the family.







  1. Why are the stage directions in line 22 important? (6.5)
  1. They tell the reader that the brothers are confused about why their mother made them break sticks.
  2. They allow the reader to know how the brothers felt about the plan they devised.
  3. They help the reader understand how smart the brothers are.
  4. They let the reader know where the brothers are located on the stage.







  1. What text evidence from the drama tells you that Mother Hartwick is trying to prove a point and help her sons? (Fig 19.D)
  1. “We are having beans for dinner.”
  2. “Son, as the eldest, do me a kind favor.”
  3. “Perhaps if you try them one at a time.”
  4. “Oh, thank goodness you’ve found some common ground.”







  1. What happened that caused the brothers to argue in the first place? (Fig 19.D)
  1. The brothers’ father gave them one plot of land to share and the brothers cannot agree on what to grow on the land.
  2. The brothers’ mother is upset with them because they are arguing.
  3. The brothers’ came into the house with dirty hands and torn clothes.
  4. They don’t agree with the older brother, Trenton.








  1. The mother’s conversation’s throughout scene 1 is important because it – (Fig 19.D)
  1. Shows who is the boss and that she has all the answers.
  2. Explains why the boys can’t agree on anything especially because of her lack of knowledge when it comes to farming.
  3. Establishes the wisdom she possesses to get her sons to see the importance of working together.
  4. Illustrates why beans are more profitable especially because that’s what she served them for dinner.








  1. Which sentence indicates this play is set in the past? (6.3)
  1. “You want to grow beans on the one plot of land our father gave us to share?”
  2. “MOTHER HARTWICK stands beside a woodstove warming her hands inside a modest, cozy farmhouse.”
  3. “Beans are far more profitable than your suggestion”
  4. “We can then grow two different crops, beans and corn.”







  1. What is the implied theme of this drama? (6.3)
  1. Only the strongest survive.
  2. It only takes one person to make a difference.
  3. Divided you are weak; united you are strong.
  4. Farmers who work together will be able to have a profitable crop.






  1. Pick a character in the play (Mother Hardwick, Toby, Thomas, and Trenton) and write a paragraph that describes that character. Write about their personality and character traits. Include text evidence to support your answer. (Fig. 19D)